This is my Body

By:  Rev. McDonnell

Source:  Please follow his Channel in You tube 👉  G McDonnell
All rights to McDonnell-posted with permission

Dm             Gm         C             F        (Dm)
Come unto me all of you who labour
Dm             Gm        C        F  Bb F
And I will give you rest in me.
F               Gm   C                  F 
This is my body given up for you.
F               Gm   C                       F Bb F
This is my blood poured out for you.
Dm            GmC                     F             (Dm)
Come unto me all of you overburdened.
Dm            Gm        C        F  Bb F
And I will give you rest in me. (Chorus)
Dm       Gm  C               F     (Dm)
It is the spirit that gives life.
Dm                     Gm          C           F  Bb F
These words are spirit and they are life. (Chorus)
Dm       Gm      C     F      (Dm)
For my flesh is real food.
Dm        Gm        C     F  Bb F
And my blood is real drink. (Chorus)
Dm                Gm  C                    F        (Dm)
As I’ve loved you – so you must love.
Dm                Gm  C                        F  Bb F
Love one another – as I have loved you. (Chorus)

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